Frequently Asked Questions

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Order & Delivery

How do I place an order?

We make it super easy to order from us.

  1. Browse our premium selection from DC’s collection here and add items to your cart
  2. Check out and pay using Cryptocurrency or PayPal. We recommend cryptocurrency to keep your anonymity.
  3. You will receive a tracking number for your package once payment is confirmed. Expect your shipment within 7-21 business days. You can check your order status here.

Please keep in mind that any order has a minimum value of $120. Any order above $180 will get a free handling and shipping fee of $38.

Is my package shipped safely and discreetly?

Yes. We ensure that your order is packaged with care and vacuumed sealed, with additional layer of aluminum. This protects your purchase and your privacy. We use mailers which are secure and discreet. All orders come with a tracking link.

In case of any lost item, your will be sent a replacement.

Do You Issue Refunds or Exchanges?

We do not issue cash refunds or exchanges for any product.
If you believe that you have a defective product, please contact us with a picture or video that demonstrates the issue with the item within 48 hours of receiving your order so that our team can help.

Please note that we only issue refunds in the form of points (store credit). Our team may deny claims that are not supported by a video demonstrating the problem.

Can I get in contact with a customer representative?

Yes. You can also contact us on our website via live chat. Live chat operating hours are 9am-5pm (PST) Monday to Friday, or you can contact us 24/7 by email to [email protected].

Can you ship worldwide?

Definitely. We are well known for our discreet shipment worldwide, with over 80.000+ orders since 2019. Our success shipment rate is 99%, and the 1% is item lost in shipment.

Any product from Discreet Cannabis will be shipped from Canada.

When does my order ship out?

If we deposit your payment by our 21.00 (UTC) cut off time, your order will be shipped the same business day. If we deposit your payment after 21.00 (UTC), your order will be shipped the next business day. We recommend that you send payment the day before you want us to ship your package (payments are processed in the order that they are received). It is our intention to ship as many packages as we can on any given day, therefore our cut off time may be extended internally past 21.00 (UTC).

Can I cancel, edit, or add to my order?

Yes, If you want to edit or add to your order, you’ll need to create a new order with us. We will then go ahead and cancel the old order (if it is has not been paid for already).

Email us at [email protected] with your order number that you want cancelled.

Theres something wrong with my order

We will work quickly to help you resolve any issues you may have. Please provide the following details when contacting us:

  • The order number
  • The name of the defective product
  • Details outlining the issue

Once we have these details, we will do our best to help you resolve the issue. If you believe that you have a defective product, please contact us with a picture or video that demonstrates the issue with the item within 48 hours of receiving your order so that our team can help.

Please note that we only issue refunds in the form of points (store credit). Our team may deny claims that are not supported by a video demonstrating the problem.

How long to receive an order?

We ship orders with our confidential shipping partner, which typically has a delivery date of 7-21 days business days worldwide.

The estimation as follows:

  • Asia (14-21 days)
  • Africa (14-21 days)
  • North America (7-8 days)
  • South America (7-8 days)
  • Europe (12-14 days)
  • Australia (14-21 days)
I haven't received my package, what do I do?

If you didn’t receive your package after 2 days past the expected delivery date, contact us and we will begin an investigation with our shipping partner. If your package is deemed lost or un-deliverable, you will be eligible for a full reimbursement (which you can simply place for another order).

Payments & Fees

What types of payment do you accept?

We accept PayPal as this is a safe payment method, but due to the PayPal policy that prohibits worldwide shipment of cannabis, sometimes the payment gateway will block your request.

For your convenience, we also accept Cryptocurrency. To pay with Cryptocurrency, just follow the instructions shown on the checkout page.

We will only ship orders once payment has been confirmed.

What are the shipping fees you charge?

On orders below $180, we charge $38 for shipping and handling, which would keep your shipment discreet. For any order over $180 (after discounts), the shipping is free.

We ship our orders via our confidential partner as to making sure your order stay safe and sent directly without any inspection.

We will provide a tracking number to you by email once the order has shipped. If you live in a remote area, your order may take a few extra days to reach you.

How do I send a Cryptocurrency Payment?

Cryptocurrency is a virtual currency that helps facilitate e-commerce transactions around the world while helping to keep buyer and seller anonymous and secure.

Do I need to pay any customs fee or tax in my country?

No, your item will be shipped discreetly as a random product such as figurine, toys, etc. All of the value of the item will be stated as below $5, and this is made possible with our confidential shipping partner that could make sure your order will be received without any hassle.